This kit isn’t has agressive as we usually make them, with only 65degree of steering angle, simply because we wanted to keep the wheels within the wheel well. Features:
- 11 positions ackerman setting
- Light weight tubular seamless chromoly tubing UCA
- IGUS bushing for maximum stiffness and reliability
- Camber is adjustable at the jonction of the UCA and knuckle and at LCA rod ends with the help of our TA-2 adjuster
- Strong one piece LCA design with engineered cut outs. Nothing is random
- On the car camber and caster adjustment
- Supplied with a new and strong uniball ball design outer tie rod
- Heavy duty uniball balljoint
- Single sheer design, this allows for an infite range of bumpsteer and roll center adjustment.
- 1st gen Hyundai Genesis hub, simple, ease of use and extremly strong
This kit is extremly simple and strong, with our usual ease of adjustment.